Insert Airbox
Our Fiberglass Insert airbox is a nice addition to the back of any truck, and a clean method to mount all your couplers and connectors too. Can be mounted to sit on top of your deckplate, or mount up underneath.
PRICE: $300 ea
Our Fiberglass Insert airbox is a nice addition to the back of any truck, and a clean method to mount all your couplers and connectors too. Can be mounted to sit on top of your deckplate, or mount up underneath.
PRICE: $300 ea
Our Fiberglass Standup airbox is a nice addition to the back of any truck, and a clean method to mount all your couplers and connectors to. Can be customized to sit lower or higher, and because it’s fiberglass, you can add lights wherever you want!
PRICE: $300 ea
Our deckplate is universal, with undermount clamps. The standard deckplate is 6 ft long, and can be cut to fit however you’d like. Fiberglass is also very durable, and can easily support walking on. Custom lengths can be made if requested.
PRICE: $300 ea